Cornbread Benedict<h4>By: Hannah Riley</h4>

Cornbread Benedict

By: Hannah Riley

Prep: 20 Minutes Cooking: 20 Minutes Serves: 1


  • 1 Born Free Egg
  • 1/3 cup vinegar
  • 1 piece of corn bread
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon salted butter
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon each granulated garlic, onion, cumin and salt
  • 3oz pork tenderloin
  • Optional: Pico de Gallo


  1. Preheat the oven to 375F. Combine the spice blend of granulated garlic, onion, cumin and salt in small dish. Rub the pork belly with spice blend and roast in the oven until crisp (15-20 minutes).
  2. In a large pot, bring water and vinegar to a boil. Poach the Born Free egg in the water/vinegar solution.
  3. In a saucepan, melt together salted butter and maple syrup. Set aside.
  4. In a separate saucepan, pan griddle the cornbread slice with butter for 30 seconds on each side.
  5. Slice your pork tenderloin thinly. For assembly, place the griddled cornbread on a plate. Top with thinly sliced pork, poached egg, and drizzle with maple syrup butter.
  6. Optional to garnish with Pico de Gallo.